Gesture 1: « On a sommeil »
Gestes français - French Gestures
This gesture has two meanings. It can indicate someone
* who is tired and wants to go to sleep, or
* who is asleep and shouldn't be woken up
Join your hands, place them on your shoulder, rest your cheek on them, and (optionally) close your eyes.
Gesture 2: « Silence ! / Chut ! »
Gestes français - French Gestures
To let people know that they need to be quiet, raise your index finger in the air. The stern facial expression is optional. ;-)
Gestes français - French Gestures
To let people know that they need to be quiet, raise your index finger in the air. The stern facial expression is optional. ;-)
Gesture 3: « Alors là / Bof »
Gestes français - French GesturesThe "Gallic shrug" gesture has a number of meanings:
* It's not my fault
* I don't know
* I doubt it can be done
* I don't really agree
Raise your shoulders; hold up your hands, palms out; stick out your lower lip; raise your eyebrows; and say "Moi, je n'y peux rien," "Moi, je n'en sais rien," "Alors là," or simply "Bof !"

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